[...pageid].vue 6.3 KB

  1. <script setup lang="ts">
  2. useHead({
  3. title: `Sponsors — Hush Your Money`,
  4. meta: [
  5. { name: 'description', content: `Hush Your Money makes spending safu.` }
  6. ],
  7. })
  8. /* Initialize stores. */
  9. import { useSystemStore } from '@/stores/system'
  10. const System = useSystemStore()
  11. const route = useRoute()
  12. console.log('ROUTE', route)
  13. const networkid = route?.params?.pageid[0]
  14. console.log('NETWORK ID', networkid)
  15. const campaignid = route?.params?.pageid[1]
  16. console.log('CAMPAIGN ID', campaignid)
  17. const campaigns = ref(null)
  18. const campaignTitle = ref(null)
  19. const donationAddress = ref(null)
  20. const networkTitle = ref(null)
  21. const init = () => {
  22. /* Handle campaign id. */
  23. switch(campaignid) {
  24. case 'seekers':
  25. campaignTitle.value = 'Privacy Seekers'
  26. break
  27. case 'masters':
  28. campaignTitle.value = 'Privacy Masters'
  29. break
  30. case 'gurus':
  31. campaignTitle.value = 'Privacy Gurus'
  32. break
  33. }
  34. /* Handle network id. */
  35. switch(networkid) {
  36. case 'btc':
  37. networkTitle.value = 'Bitcoin'
  38. break
  39. case 'bch':
  40. networkTitle.value = 'Bitcoin Cash'
  41. break
  42. case 'nexa':
  43. networkTitle.value = 'Nexa'
  44. break
  45. }
  46. /* Initialize ALL campaigns handler. */
  47. campaigns.value = {}
  48. /* Initialize Seekers handler. */
  49. campaigns.value['seekers'] = {}
  50. /* Initialize Masters handler. */
  51. campaigns.value['masters'] = {}
  52. /* Initialize Gurus handler. */
  53. campaigns.value['gurus'] = {}
  54. /* Initialize Seekers (Bitcoin) handler. */
  55. campaigns.value['seekers']['btc'] = {
  56. address: 'bitcoin:3Gwb2zrg64REcnDFdGHeAUMuibfpk932Kr',
  57. round: 1,
  58. goal: 0,
  59. donated: 0,
  60. hasAirdrop: true,
  61. createdAt: 0,
  62. updatedAt: 0,
  63. }
  64. /* Initialize Seekers (Bitcoin Cash) handler. */
  65. campaigns.value['seekers']['bch'] = {
  66. address: 'bitcoincash:qrqdff68n8wm757kvfumylxs47tud3fuvqz3h6depv',
  67. round: 1,
  68. goal: 0,
  69. donated: 0,
  70. hasAirdrop: true,
  71. createdAt: 0,
  72. updatedAt: 0,
  73. }
  74. /* Initialize Seekers (Nexa) handler. */
  75. campaigns.value['seekers']['nexa'] = {
  76. address: 'nexa:nqtsq5g5fxezfwrhc323dm9npzy77lay7p26x903hkk4u8zu',
  77. round: 1,
  78. goal: 0,
  79. donated: 0,
  80. hasAirdrop: true,
  81. createdAt: 0,
  82. updatedAt: 0,
  83. }
  84. campaigns.value['masters']['btc'] = {
  85. address: 'bitcoin:3EQELPmJREqt3gVyELGYFnzLxV6Lnthudk',
  86. round: 1,
  87. goal: 0,
  88. donated: 0,
  89. hasAirdrop: true,
  90. createdAt: 0,
  91. updatedAt: 0,
  92. }
  93. campaigns.value['masters']['bch'] = {}
  94. campaigns.value['masters']['nexa'] = {}
  95. campaigns.value['gurus']['btc'] = {
  96. address: 'bitcoin:34XzM3e3Tsf4wLGGcFCPRyoTP1NF6HF53z',
  97. round: 1,
  98. goal: 0,
  99. donated: 0,
  100. hasAirdrop: true,
  101. createdAt: 0,
  102. updatedAt: 0,
  103. }
  104. campaigns.value['gurus']['bch'] = {}
  105. campaigns.value['gurus']['nexa'] = {}
  106. /* Set donation address. */
  107. donationAddress.value = campaigns.value[campaignid][networkid].address
  108. }
  109. onMounted(() => {
  110. init()
  111. })
  112. // onBeforeUnmount(() => {
  113. // console.log('Before Unmount!')
  114. // // Now is the time to perform all cleanup operations.
  115. // })
  116. </script>
  117. <template>
  118. <main class="max-w-5xl mx-auto py-5 flex flex-col gap-4">
  119. <h1 class="text-5xl font-medium">
  120. Sponsors for {{networkTitle}}
  121. </h1>
  122. <h2 class="text-5xl font-light italic">
  123. {{campaignTitle}}
  124. </h2>
  125. <section class="flex flex-col gap-4">
  126. <h2 class="text-rose-500 text-2xl font-bold uppercase">
  127. Do Not Send From ANY Exchange
  128. </h2>
  129. <p>
  130. Rewards tokens, ie $HUSH, will be sent directly to Sponsors point of delivery.
  131. In order to GUARANTEE receipt of ALL rewards, please send from a Wallet/Address that you HOLD THE KEYS.
  132. </p>
  133. <div>
  134. 0 of 27 campaigns completed for $HUSH airdrop!
  135. </div>
  136. </section>
  137. <section>
  138. <p>
  139. For every 6 $HUSH tokens airdropped:
  140. <ol class="py-5 pl-10 list-disc">
  141. <li>Round 1 Sponsors will receive 3x $HUSH</li>
  142. <li>Round 2 Sponsors will receive 2x $HUSH</li>
  143. <li>Round 3 Sponsors will receive 1x $HUSH</li>
  144. </ol>
  145. </p>
  146. </section>
  147. <p>
  148. Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id eius voluptatem minus natus at eveniet dolorum eos mollitia, maxime animi excepturi harum omnis illum odit recusandae pariatur! Unde, explicabo molestias.
  149. </p>
  150. <NuxtLink :to="donationAddress" v-if="campaigns" class="p-5 flex flex-col gap-3 bg-sky-100 border-4 border-sky-300 rounded-3xl shadow">
  151. <h3 class="text-gray-500 text-3xl font-light tracking-widest">
  152. {{networkTitle}}
  153. </h3>
  154. <h3 class="font-medium tracking-tight">
  155. {{donationAddress}}
  156. </h3>
  157. </NuxtLink>
  158. <section v-if="campaigns">
  159. <h2>
  160. Privacy Masters
  161. </h2>
  162. <h3>
  163. Bitcoin
  164. </h3>
  165. <h3>
  166. {{campaigns.masters.btc.address}}
  167. </h3>
  168. <h3>
  169. Bitcoin Cash
  170. </h3>
  171. <h3>
  172. bitcoincash:qzl4kq5wapcpae9zc7sql5hz5xmj8fqrqs5c7kgywy
  173. </h3>
  174. <h3>
  175. Nexa
  176. </h3>
  177. <h3>
  178. nexa:nqtsq5g5egqz48van0zjx2xtxl38ec3czapdtryewwe5he0z
  179. </h3>
  180. </section>
  181. <section v-if="campaigns">
  182. <h2>
  183. Privacy Gurus
  184. </h2>
  185. <h3>
  186. Bitcoin
  187. </h3>
  188. <h3>
  189. {{campaigns.gurus.btc.address}}
  190. </h3>
  191. <h3>
  192. Bitcoin Cash
  193. </h3>
  194. <h3>
  195. bitcoincash:qqfk0ag6tnzgxevfzp9ma7qw0npd9vwe65v40e22a9
  196. </h3>
  197. <h3>
  198. Nexa
  199. </h3>
  200. <h3>
  201. nexa:nqtsq5g5ya3jv0tv36je7d8ld8vsds0vfqmt0g9lryhqnv6m
  202. </h3>
  203. </section>
  204. </main>
  205. </template>